"I celebrate myself, and sing myself,
And what I assume you shall assume,
For every atom belonging to me as good belongs to you."

Monday, August 29, 2011

You Always Make Me Smile

Happy Anniversary to us! Today is my one year wedding anniversary! I can't believe its already been a year! How it has flown by in the best way! When I think about the last year, the conclusion I come to is always, life is good. What a happy year and what a happy, lucky, blessed and grateful girl I am.
Thinking about our wedding day makes me smile. Not only because I got to marry Brian, but also because of all the loved ones there and the fantastic time we had. What a celebration! It is beyond joyful to have all the ones you love together in one place and be able to celebrate with one another.
I am overcome with love and humbled by the overwhelming love in my life. Love from my husband, and the love from all that just burst from the seems on our wedding day.
I love our wedding video and plan on watching it later tonight. There are wonderful moments caught throughout the day and the video. But I think my favorite is the dancing. The energy, the joy, the way everyone is completely carefree and literally almost jumping off the screen. It makes me want to get up and jump up and down every time I see it.
So I must run to go celebrate with my husband.
And again I think, life is good. Smile.

Thursday, August 11, 2011


Well, me and the husband are off to Maui, Hawaii tomorrow! We are spending 10 lovely days on the Island to celebrate our 1 year wedding Anniversary. I can't believe its already been almost a year! Time really flew by. I love that this past year things didn't really change much. I guess when you are together with someone for eight years before you marry, you really know what you are in for and are just happy to be spending another year together. That said, this past year has been on of the happiest of my life. Even though not much changed, we did buy a house of our own and it just feels great to be married and really officially become a family together.

I can't wait to sit on the beach and soak in the scenery. I am happiest in life, for the most part, on a tropical beach. I find in moments spent on such a beach, or swimming in the ocean, I really feel grateful to be alive.

Ahh vacation! Isn't it the best?

Monday, August 1, 2011

Ocean Bounties and Summer Gratitude

Today was a lovely day. I started with me doing one of the things I love most, sleeping in. Then I got to stroll through my neighborhood in perfect summer weather to our local coffee shop for my soy latte.
I spent most of the day at the beach. It couldn't have been a nicer day; blue skies, sunny and about 77 F and a nice breeze. There is nothing more calming and satisfying than a day of sunshine and reading at the beach and a little ocean dip.
Inspired by my beautiful ocean day, I have decided to make steamed mussels for dinner. I'm making mussels steamed in beer with crème fraîche, Herbs, and parmesan croutons. Mmmmm! 
I can't wait to throw it all together and have the aromas fill my kitchen. There are few things more pleasant than cooking with nice fresh ingredients. 
Except perhaps sitting out on my back deck, drinking a glass of wine and eating the fruits of my labor with my husband.
I love summer days.